Advantages or Merits of Good Office Layout
|An office is considered as the heart of every business unit. Likewise, layout is considered as the heart of every office. Hence, an office layout plays an important role in the better utilization of available space and avoids crowding. The following advantages have been derived out of properly planned office layout.
Advantage or Merits of good office layout
1. Effective and free flow of work is possible.
2. Proper utilization of available space leads to less cost of operation.
3. Better communication is available to the employees of the organization.
4. It facilitates effective supervision of employees and also saving in cost of supervision.
5. There is no wastage of office space.
6. There is a smooth flow of work and follow shortest route lead to saving of time.
7. More flexibility is possible in the case of assignment of work and changing the assigned work.
8. It facilitates maximum and optimum use of machines and equipment.
9. As employees are able to observe the work performed in other departments, a feeling of personal involvement is developed.
10. Good layout enhances the morale of the employees.
11. A badly planned layout causes fatigue and tension among the employees.
12. The image of the organization is increased among customers and visitors.
13. Efficiency of employees and productivity of an organization are increased by good layout.
14. There is a possibility of reducing maintenance, cost of fixtures and equipment