9 Different Types of Office Typewriters
|The typewriter is one of the machines, which is used in all business office. A neat and legible writing of information are possible through typewriter. Different types of typewriter are briefly explained as follows.
Types of Typewriters used in Office
The following are the some of the types of typewriters.
1. Standard Typewriter
Standard type writers are in specific and standard sizes, viz, foolscap, brief and policy size. Foolscap size is commonly used in every office. Continuous stationery device is attached to the standard typewriter, which facilitates neatly performance of any paper work. Front feed device is attached to the standard typewriter for preparing cheques, invoices and the like. Number of copies can be taken out with out carbon paper if carbon — ribbon attachment is fitted to it. Card holding attachment is fixed to standard typewriter for preparing staff cards.
2. Portable Typewriter
This type of typewriter is highly useful for individual purpose. It has less weight so that it can be carried to any place. It is only three or four inches height. It can be kept at any place since it requires less space. It can be put in brief case during travels.
Most of the professional people used this type of typewriter in past. Now, these people have towards Computer Diary.
3. Noiseless Typewriter
A special type of bar is used to reduce the noise of the impact of the type bar upon the page. This type of typewriter is used if many typists are working together in a business office. The cost of this typewriter is slightly higher than the cost of ordinary typewriter. It is not good for multicopy work.
4. Electric Typewriter
The electric power is used to operate this type of typewriter. An electric motor is attached to the standard typewriter. Mere touching a key is enough to operate the typewriter. This typewriter requires only one-fourth energy of typist for operation. The main advantages of electric typewriter are
- It saves energy of the typist and the typist will not feel tired.
- Quality typing is also possible even though the fingers of the typist are erratic.
- More number of copies is obtained than from the standard typewriter.
- Stencil cutting and preparation of office documents will be easy and qualitative
5. Variable Typewriter
A single typewriter has variety of style and size of letters. These style and size of letters are adjusted according to the requirements. The type of letters may be italic, small size, big size etc. If the correspondence is little, big size letters are used and vice versa. This is useful particularly in preparing reports where different styles of types can be used to distinguish one set from another.
6. Automatic Typewriter
This typewriter automatically types a standard matter from a previously punched or stenciled master. The non — standard matter of names and communication address may be inserted at appropriate places by a selective device. One hundred fifty words per minute can be typed with the help of this typewriter. Power is used to operate this typewriter. It saves time and energy of typist. A single typewriter can do the work of three typists. The cost of the typewriter is high.
An automatic typewriter is particularly suitable when letters or circulars carrying routine message have to be reproduced in large numbers. A personal touch on the customers and suppliers is possible through this type of standard letters.
7. Electronic Typewriter
The invention of electronic typewriter is a revolution in the typing history. The reliability of this typewriter is achieved by the attachment of microprocessor technology. In this way, this typewriter is a thinking machine. It is completely automatic and obeys commands relating to typing work. The command key, when pressed, does the work like space adjustment, alignment of paper, centering etc, automatically.
An errorless typescript can be taken out quickly from this typewriter. Hence, the typist has a pleasure to do a work in this typewriter. The typing error can be corrected without much difficulty.
Electronic typewriter has memory system also. Nearly 500,000 characters can be stored in the memory system. Each letter is called a character. These characters can be displayed on demand. This system facilitates the editing of typed matter quickly. Electronic typewriter has “Front Wheel” also. This wheel contains varieties of fronts (letter types) and the typescript can be brought out in an attractive manner with varied fonts a single sheet.
8. Typewriter with Additional Attachments
Some attachments have been introduced for special typing jobs. Continuous stationery may be attached for typing the matters continuously. A front feed may be attached to prepare cheques, receipts, order, quotation and the like. The card holding attachment enables the typist to insert stiff labels and cards in the typewriter and type them with ease. Carbon roller equipment may be attached to type the copies without the use of carbons
9. Special Purpose Typewriter
Tabulation typing, scientific formulae, statistical reports etc are prepared with the help of special purpose typewriter. Tables, formulae, formats etc, are typed by using dual unit typewriter. The hectograph carbon role typewriter is used to produce master sheets for hectograph duplicating machine. The flat bed typewriter is used for typing directly into found books.
Choice of Selection of a Typewriter
A typewriter can be selected by considering the following points.
1. The volume of work is to be typed.
2. The noise produced by the machine.
3. Working conditions in a typing place.
4. Method of operation of a typewriter.
5. The cost of the typewriter.
6. The space required by a typewriter.
7. Nature of office work
8. The maintenance of the typewriter.