8 Rational Product Buying Motives of Consumers
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Rational Product Buying Motives
Generally, people are rational in buying. The rational buying motives are based on one’s thoughts and judgement. Consumers purchase a product by testing, comparing and observing the product keenly in terms of price, quality and durability.
1. Durability
Customers always wish to purchase products that have the longest possible life span, needing least maintenance. Unless they are satisfied by the quality, reliability and durability of the product, they would not buy it. The salesman while appealing to this motive, should emphasize the durability, quality and reliability factors while selling products like radio, furniture, fan, raincoat, umbrella, scooter, refrigerator, etc.
2. Suitability
A product is regarded suitable if it suits the needs of the buyers. If product such as wall clock, emergency light, refrigerator, give him maximum utility, then they are inclined to purchase it. Thus, the customers are always conscious about the suitability factor while purchasing.
3. Variety of uses
It is common to find that some customers prefer a product when it can be used for a variety of purposes. In fact, a rational buyer always takes into account the additional benefits he will derive out of the article. In other words, he always wants to get maximum benefits out of minimum spending. For example, he prefers a sofa-cum-bed instead of an ordinary sofa.
4. Economy
Most customers prefer products that are economical. This is particularly true in case of durable, staple and routinely used goods. Some economy minded people visit several shops to purchase the best buy for a limited amount of money.
5. Safety
People are generally afraid of losing their health and wealth. Further, people also fear losing their prestige. Man cannot get rid of his fears unless and until certain precautionary measures are taken. Therefore, the motive of safety plays an important role in buying articles like medicines, electrical appliances and services like insurance, savings bank account, hiring lockers in banks, etc.
6. Convenience
Some customers prefer convenience attached to a product though it may be slightly expensive. People, therefore, require luxury goods which are convenient to them and provide comfort and status at the same time. This is an important buying motive for selling goods like wrist watches, grinders, washing machines, air conditioners, etc. These goods are popular among customers because of the motive of convenience.
7. Profitability
No one wants to lose in this material world. Profit-making or saving is a natural urge in human beings. People buy shares and bonds, invest in saving schemes, deposits, mutual funds mainly because of earning interest, making capital gains and availing tax concession.
8. Curiosity
People are after what is called ‘latest‘ in every walk of life. There is a thirst for knowing more and more and learning more and more. They are curious to know the unknown. Hence, any product that is introduced new, consumers are curious to know about it and have a ‘try‘.
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