Understanding Filing | Objectives | Functions

Understanding Filing

Filing is a form of record keeping. Documents are filed in such away that they may be available whenever required. This is the main purpose of record keeping.

A large number of records can not be preserved and handled without proper arrangement. Such proper arrangement is called filing. The top executives can plan on the basis of past performance and records. Hence, a systematic preservation of various types of information for various purposes is made possible only by a good filing system.

Filling is a means of preservation of documents relating to business transactions.

Filing is defined as systematic arrangements of business documents and papers in such way that will be highly convenient in locating and delivering such documents and papers when needed for future reference to the needy persons.

Objectives of Filing

The main objectives of filing are presented below.

1. Proper arrangement of records.

2. Proper sorting and storing of records.

3. Easy availability of records.

Functions of Filing

The process of filing is not only concerned with the proper sorting and storing of records but also concerned with systematic arrangements of records so that they can be easily found and transacted when required for. In this way, the filing performs the following functions.

1. Library Function: It is the process of sorting and arranging the records for future reference

2. Administrative Function: It is the process of maintaining and supplying the various documents for framing business policies.

3. Information Function: It is the process of protecting the various types of relevant information for various purposes.

4. Historical Function: It is the process of preservation of information in a systematic manner in such a way that will disclose the business organization.