Introduction The success of planning depends greatly on the control of the sales force. This control activity has gained much significance in the modern competitive world. In fact,
Meaning of Aggressive Selling Aggressive selling (also known as offensive selling) refers to the various sales efforts made aggressively or vigorously by a manufacturer to obtain increased volume
The various economic and social advantages of advertising can be classified into different categories from the point of view of different categories of person involved. They are: Advantages
Economic Benefits of Advertising An assessment of the role of advertising in the economic system offers the following benefits: Advertising is a guide to prospective buyers — Information
Methods of Sales Promotion Sales promotion can be effected in several ways. The following are some of them. 1. Sales Force Promotion Personal selling is highly essential in
Sales Promotion Schemes Marketers employ a remarkable variety of sales promotion tools in marketing. A visit to your nearby supermarket will reveal numerous sales promotion schemes of various
Differences between Advertising and Sales Promotion The following are the differences between Advertising and Sales promotion: Sales promotion is increasingly being used to accomplish an ever expanding list
Techniques of Sales Forecasting There are several techniques or methods of sales forecasting, and a company may use one or more of them. The important techniques of sales
What is Sales Quota? A sales quota is a standard for measuring the achievement of salesman in a sales organization. Sales quota is the estimated volume of sales
What is Consumer Sales Promotion? Sales promotion aimed at consumers is called ‘consumer sales promotion‘. It aims at stimulating consumers. The main consumer promotion tools include samples, coupons,