Location of Office Building | Importance | Need | Affecting Factors
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Importance of location of office building
The main aim of any office is to get the office work done with maximum efficiency at minimum cost. This aim can be achieved only when the office is properly located with good building and layout.
The location of an office building ensures congenial working condition. Office employees may concentrate their mind in work under congenial working condition. It is an accepted fact that the office work is mostly brain work much of which is monotonous and repetitive in nature. So, unless good office layout and building is not provided, it will not be possible to perform the office work very efficiently.
Moreover, the office clerk has to spend a large part of the day in the office for doing such work. Thus it is clear that providing adequate and suitable office accommodation is necessary for efficient performance of work.
A systematic arrangement of office will give naturally maximum efficiency at a minimum cost on all occasions. Therefore, the top management of the company has the responsibility of providing proper and adequate office facilities to the staff so as to get maximum result.
Selection of office location – Points to Consider
The provision of proper and adequate office location and layout is of basic importance in an office management. The office manager has to play the major role in determining the arrangements of office. The following points should be bear in mind in the selection of office location and layout.
1. The site or location of office building.
2. Securing suitable office building or space.
3. Size and shape of office.
4. Lighting.
5. Layout of office.
6. Ventilation and air condition.
7. Facilities of office.
8. Open office or private office.
9. Staff and customer convenience.
10. Physical conditions of office.
11. Cost of office accommodation or space.
12. Sanitation.
13. Noise.
14. Health.
15. Safety.
Circumstances when a need for good office location is realized
The office manager has to consider the present and future requirements of office while selecting a building for office. If an unsuitable location is selected, there is a great inconvenience caused to the office staff and to the customers. Besides the future expansion of an office is also difficult one.
There is no hard and fast rule regarding the selection of the location of office. Even though, an unsuitable location leads to loss of time and effort and there by reduce the efficiency of work. The problem of selection of office location is raised under the following circumstances.
1. At the time of starting of business unit
2. Change of office location due to increased volume of work
3. At the time of expansion of business.
4. The lease of an office building has expired.
5. The owner of office building requires for his own use.
6. Shifting of the business from one place to another or one state to another.
Factors affecting selection of office location
The following factors should be considered while selecting location for an office building.
1. Surroundings: The office building should be located in a quiet place. The surroundings of office buildings should be free from noise, congestion, dust, fumes and obnoxious smell. The reason is that these are some responsible factors for reducing work efficiency of office employees.
2. Nearness to Related Business: It is advisable to locate the office very nearness to other offices in the same line of business in order to get the benefits of localization. For example, The office of Non Banking Finance Companies are generally located near to the banks, showrooms and dealers of high cost goods. Such location helps the organization to keep in touch with the money market trends and to provide better service to customers.
3. Nearness to Other Units: The nature of business may be manufacturing and located in outer place of city or town area. If so, the space for office is selected very nearness to the factory, warehouse etc. This is necessary for smooth operation of business.
4. Nearness to Service Units: An office is rendering service to its parent unit. Even though, the office is requiring service of other units. They are banks, post office, courier service, market, stock exchanges etc. The availability of this service saves valuable time and effort and improves the efficiency of operations.
5. Nearness to Transport Service: Transport service is necessary for the convenience of the staff as well as for the customers. Besides, the smooth operation of business is ensured by receiving adequate raw materials and dispatching of finished goods in time. Nearness to railway station, port or air terminal is adding special advantage for some offices.
6. Availability of Employees: An office should be located very nearness to the place of sources of employees. The reason is that labor turnover has increased due to modern means of transport and landing of Multi-National Corporation. If there is any need of skilled employees, the office should be located near the source of such employees.
7. Building Constraints: Building constraints have to be considered before the site selection for an office building. Such constraints may be found in the conveyance deed or in local municipal rules and regulations.