District Industries Centres | Objectives | Resources | Structure
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When and why were District Industries Centres initiated?
The industrial Policy 1977 contained the concept of District Industries Centres (DIC). DIC program was initiated on 1st May 1978 as a centrally sponsored scheme. It was a landmark measure in development of cottage and small industries in smaller towns in India. DIC’s were started with a view to provide integrated administrative framework at the district level for industrial promotion.
It is aimed at providing all assistance and support to entrepreneurs in various states. These centres are responsible for effective promotion of cottage and small scale industries at district level. These centres also to provide support facilities, concessions and services to develop tiny, cottage and district industries centres small scale units.
Objective of District Industries Centres
The basic purpose of these DIC’s is to generate more employment opportunities for rural people. It was intended to make the Centre as a central location for-
1. granting financial and other facilities to small units
2. developing close links with development blocks and specialized institutions providing help to set up industries in rural areas
3. identifying and helping new entrepreneurs
Resource for District Industries Centres
Financial assistance is provided by the Government of India for District Industries Centre in the following manner:
1. A non-recurring grant up to Rs.2 lakh for construction of an office building.
2. A non-recurring grant up to Rs.3 lakh for meeting the expenditure on furniture and fixtures, office equipment and vehicles.
3. Recurring establishment expenditure to the extent of 75 percent of the actual expenditure, limited up to Rs.3.75 lakhs.
Structure of District Industries Centres
DIC’s comprise of:
1. One General Manager
2. Four functional managers, of whom three would be in the areas of economic investigation, credit and village industries. The fourth functional manager may be entrusted with responsibility in any of the areas like raw materials marketing, training etc., depending on the specific requirements of each district.
3. Three Project managers to provide technical service in the area relevant to needs of the district concerned. Their role is to facilitate modernization and upgradation of technology in the small sector.
Activities of District Industries Centres
1. Registration of SSI units (Permanent/ Provisional).
2. Registration of Handicrafts/Cottage industries.
3. Implementation of Prime Minister’s Rozgar Yojana.
4. Granting of Subsidies to SSI units.
5. Distribution of Project profiles among entrepreneurs.
6. Training for Entrepreneur Development Programme.
7. Organisation of Industrial Cooperative Societies.
8. Raw Material assistance through SIDCO.
9. Allotment of sheds in Electrical & Electronic Industrial Estates.
10. Marketing assistance through SIDCO.
11. Conducting Motivation Campaigns.
12. Clearance of licences etc. through Single Window Meeting.
13. Rehabilitation of sick SSI units.
14. Recommendation of Awards to SSI units.
15. Recommendation of loan applications to banks under KVIC Scheme.