What is Currency Appreciation? Currency appreciation is a term used to describe a situation where the value of one currency increases in comparison to another currency. In other
When was Money Market Mutual Funds initiated? Reserve Bank of India has initiated ‘Money Market Mutual Funds‘ during the year 2000 by which institutions can invest their funds
Steps taken by Government for the Growth of Indian Money Market The Government has taken various steps for the growth of Indian money market. Smooth function of a
When we compare Indian money market with the developed money market, we can undoubtedly say that the Indian money market is underdeveloped. A few of the reason for
Characteristics of well developed money market The following are the characteristics of a well developed money market. 1. Presence of a strong Central bank in a well developed
Meaning of Money Market Money market is a collective name given to all the institutions that are dealing in short-term funds. It does not refer to a particular