Obstacles of delegation | How to secure better delegation? | Benefits

Delegation, although seems to be a simple process, suffer from several obstacles in practice. These obstacles arise partly on account of the superiors’ attitude, partly due to the subordinates and partly due to the organization. Therefore, we shall study the obstacles under the following three distinct heads.

Obstacles of delegation On the part of the superior

The reasons for the reluctance of the superiors to delegate can be outlined as follows:

1. Lack of Liberal Attitude: Very often, the executives feel that they can do a job better and the subordinates are not competent to perform the functions with the same degree of skill.

2. Desire of Dominance: Some managers feel that their subordinates shall learn too much and shall soon compete with them and even outshine them. Therefore, they try to dominate the subordinates at each step of work and thereby hampers the process of delegation.

3. Inability to Direct: Inability of the superior to issue suitable directions and guidance also creates difficulties in the process of delegation.

4. Lack of Confidence: Superiors often lack confidence in their subordinates. Therefore, they are reluctant to their reliance on their integrity and do not delegate.

5. Absence of Controls: When the executives have no means of knowing the serious difficulties in the working of the department in advance, they may hesitate to delegate the authority.

Obstacles of delegation on the part of subordinates

Even if the superior is willing to delegate authority, the process of delegation shall fail if it is not accepted by the subordinates. The subordinates may be shy in accepting the authority and thereby assume responsibility because of the following reasons.

1. Easier to Ask: Subordinates often feel that it is more easier to depend on the decision of the boss rather than to make on their own.

2. Fear of Criticism: The fear of criticism on the part of the superiors may also make them shy in accepting authority.

3. Lack of information: Subordinates hesitate to assume responsibility, if they feel that they lack the necessary information and resources to do a good job.

4. Lack of Self-confidence: Subordinates who have no confidence on their own skill may be unwilling to accept difficult assignment.

5. Lack of Proper incentive: In the absence of proper incentive or reward, subordinates shall be unwilling to assume responsibilities and show their masterly skill.

Obstacles of delegation on the part of organization

The faults contributing to the failure of the process of delegation also lie with the organisational set up. They may include the following:

  1. Defective organizational structure.
  2. Vague plans.
  3. Splintered authority and responsibility.
  4. Dual subordination.
  5. Absence of effective control measures

How to secure better delegation?

Delegation is an art but not a science Hence, no hard and fast rules can be framed to make delegation more effective. However, the experience of great many executives provided the foundation for certain guides which have been tried and proved successful. The following are the important guidelines to make delegation more effective.

  1. Establishment of clear and definite objectives.
  2. Clear cut definition of authority and responsibility.
  3. Motivating of subordinates through incentives ‘and rewards.
  4. Clear cut assignment of duties.
  5. Providing adequate facilities for training ‘and development.
  6. Establishing of adequate control.
  7. Appraisal of performance on the basis of predetermined standards.
  8. Proper maintenance of open lines of communication.
  9. Strict adherence of the basic principles of delegation.

Benefits of delegation

The benefits of delegation are briefly outlined as follows:

1. It ensures coordination of various managerial activities.

2. It reduces the burden of the executives.

3. It facilitates expansion and diversification of the business.

4. It encourages opportunities for division of labour.

5. It provides opportunity for development and training of young executives.